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🎨Say It in Colors: Fun English Phrases🎨


Ever wondered why some feelings, situations, and others have colors in English? Colors play a cool role in expressing feelings and situations. Let's dive into some English idioms about colors that will make learning the language even more exciting. From being "caught red-handed" to feeling "green with envy," these expressions are like a secret code! Let's unlock their meanings together.

🎨"Caught red-handed"

Meaning: To be caught doing something wrong or committing a crime. It's like getting caught with your hand in the cookie jar! 

🎨"Green with envy"

Meaning: Feeling super jealous of someone else's success or cool stuff. It's like wanting what they have but with a splash of green!

🎨"Out of the blue"

Meaning: Something surprising or unexpected. Imagine a surprise party that came "out of the blue"! Or maybe a good idea came into your head when you least expected it. 

🎨"Black and white"

Meaning: Something super clear and easy to understand. No confusion no “greys” in between, just straightforward like a comic book!

🎨“Paint the town red”

Meaning: To go out and have a wild, enjoyable time, often involving a celebration or party. You may know this expression from Doja Cat’s hit “Paint the Town Red” from her new album “Scarlet”. If you read the lyrics, you will get this idiom (Parental advisory).

🎨“White lie”

Meaning: A harmless or small lie told to avoid hurting someone's feelings or causing trouble.

🎨“Grey area”

Meaning: An unclear or undefined situation where the rules are not clear, making it difficult to determine what is right or wrong.

🎨“Silver lining”

Meaning: A positive aspect or outcome in a seemingly negative situation. One of Jennifer Lawrence’s best films is called “Silver Linings Playbook”. In Chile, that film is known as “El lado bueno de las cosas”.

🎨“Black and Blue”

Meaning: something that is bruised, discolored, or marked by contusions or injuries. In Bruno Mars’ “Granade” from “Doo-Wops & Hooligans” he says “Black, black, black and blue, beat me ‘til I’m numb”. He means that the woman he loves allegedly is beating him (physically or psychologically) until he is very injured. 

These colorful expressions not only add flair to English but also show how language is connected to our feelings. Learning these phrases is like discovering hidden treasures in the English language. So, the next time you're "painting the town red" or facing a challenge in a "grey area," remember, it's not just words – it's like peeking into the interesting world of how people express themselves!

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