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Expresiones idiomáticas en inglés, ¿sabes qué son?

Si traduces las expresiones idiomáticas literalmente, pierdes...

Las expresiones idiomáticas son un asunto divertido y complicado. Si se traducen literalmente, son un montón de incoherencias, pero para los hablantes nativos, a menudo no hay mejor manera de expresar un sentimiento particular. Los hablantes nativos de inglés utilizan constantemente las expresiones idiomáticas, lo que puede resultar divertido o frustrante para quienes aún están aprendiendo el idioma. Para ayudarte a mejorar tu fluidez o incluso para que te rías un poco, te presentamos varias de las expresiones idiomáticas más extravagantes y más utilizadas en Estados Unidos y su significado.

Out of the Blue: randomly or unexpectedly (Inesperadamente)

● My grandmother came to visit out of the blue and I had to rent an Airbnb for the family.

Cool as a Cucumber: calm and composed, especially in stressful situations (más fresco que una lechuga)

● She was as cool as a cucumber during her job interview.

Hold your Horses: wait a minute; be patient (para el carro)

Hold your horses! You still have to shower before we can leave!

When Pigs Fly!: something that is unlikely to happen is often said mockingly (Cuando los cerdos vuelen)

● Doctors will recommend all-dessert diets when pigs fly.

Under the weather: feeling slightly unwell (estar enfermo)

● Billy stayed home from school today because he was feeling under the weather.

Cat got your tongue: unable to speak or think of something to say. (¿Te comieron la lengua los ratones?)

● You’re being very quiet. Cat got your tongue?

Dead as a doornail: to be completely devoid of life (estar absolutamente muerto/a)

● I forgot to water my flowers, and now they’re as dead as a doornail.

Chew the fat: have a long, leisurely conversation; make small talk; gossip casually (charlar)

● After running into a childhood friend, we chewed the fat over a cup of coffee

Head in the Clouds: oblivious or having unrealistic ideas (estar en las nubes)

● He has his head in the clouds if he thinks he can pass his test without studying.

Blue in the Face: exhausted from great, generally futile, effort. (hacer o decir algo hasta el hartazgo)

● You can beg until you’re blue in the face, but you’re not having ice cream for dinner.

Pot calling the Kettle Black: be hypocritical; criticize someone for something you’re guilty of. (culpar a un otro por lo que uno hace - El muerto se ríe del degollado)

● You think I’m messy? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

Put a sock in it: telling someone to stop talking or be quiet (cierra la boca)

● The whole movie theater can hear you whispering so put a sock in it.

Kick the bucket: to die (morir)

● Many people want to travel the world before they kick the bucket.

Rain cats and dogs: raining extremely heavily - (diluviar)

● We can’t go to the park today because it’s raining cats and dogs.

¿Cuáles te resultaron familiares? ¿Cuáles no conocías? ¿Te animas a dejar una oración usando uno de estos idioms? ¡Te leemos!

Source: English for Everyone: English Idioms by Thomas Booth


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